Travel Planning

Travel Planning & Concierge Services



Planning a trip? You’ve come to the right place! SETTE is a full service travel agency specializing in bespoke private journeys across the globe. We are here to transform your personal travel dreams into an unforgettable adventure unlike anything you’ve experienced before. Our team has access to some of the most incredible resorts and boutique hotels all around the world, and will always go the extra mile to ensure that your travels exceed your expectations from the moment you leave your doorstep to the second you return. By working with our team, you can rest assured everything from your flights and transfers to your meals and excursions, are taken care of during your trip.   


Let’s face it, we all love to eat! Dining can highlight and even define our experiences and memories when travelling. Knowing where to go and how to get a reservation there is where we shine. We have relationships at the top restaurants worldwide from Michelin to hole-in-the-wall gems, and will ensure that your dining itinerary is suited to your taste. Maybe you’d prefer an intimate in-suite dinner prepared by a private chef? We’ve got you covered! 


We pride ourselves on our unparalleled level of access to the most sought after and uniquely curated experiences around the world. From tickets to shows, to privately guided tours, we will make sure that your travel itinerary is robustly designed to fit your wants and needs. Whether you're into shark diving in the stunning waters off the coast of South Africa, or a snowy ski retreat in The Dolomites, we'll make it happen. Feel feel to drop us a line on our contact page!